Editing the Class Menu


Creating Menu Lists


Adding a list to the Activity Menu. 3

Building Lists With the List Editor 7

Adding and editing links. 11



WHS is organized as a connected tree with  many levels of branching.  WHS activities are level 1 branches. A class is a special type of activity.   Each account is, at any given time, is a member of  a  (possibly empty) subset  of the  WHS activities.  Membership in an activity affords an account access to portions of the tree beyond the primary activity node.  An individual account has a status and roles status relative to each  activity.  Status and role determine the  account’s  access to activity resources which lie further out on the tree .   The account’s activities and associated resources are available upon login through its account menu  which is a sub-tree of the site menu.  

The owner of an activity (e.g. the instructor of a class) maintains  a sub-tree of  activity resources, called the Activity Menu.  These sub-trees are defined in menu  lists created  in the Menu List Editor.  At the outset the Activity Menu list is empty and the node at which it sits has no name.  In the next two images the activity list  a “Tutorial Assistance”  link has been added to the MA361 Activity Menu.  Here “Tutorial Assistance”  is the name assigned for the moment to the Activity Menu.  In the  second image the  menu is expanded to display the sub-tree which has two  leaves  and one  branch at level 1 (relative to the root) and two leaves at level 2 on the level 1 branch.


Adding a list to the Activity Menu

Ignoring for the moment how they are made we can see that it is extremely easy to add a list to the Activity Menu.


Each list has a unique List Id which is a positive integer. The list corresponding to the  “Tutorial Assistance” item in the screen clip has List Id  “11”.  To append this list to the MA 361 class menu we do the following:


  1. At the menu  select the Members link for the class. Then press “Show Activity Settings”

  1. Select “Edit” then  replace the Activity Menu Identifier  (initially “2”) in the image with the new  menu identifier (“11” in the example)

  1. Finally, press “Update”





Building Lists With the List Editor


The Menu List Editor is under Tools on the main menu.  The best way to build a list is to start with one that someone else has created, modify it, add it to a test class,  and observe the effect.




When opened this is what you see. The easiest way to build a list is to start with one. You can use any existing list (regardless of  who made it) as a template provided you know the list ID.  The ID of the “Instructional Help” list installed above is “11”. Simply enter the “list ID” textbox and press “Load List”






Adding and editing links





Pages uploaded at Tools -> Page Up/Downloads  and postings from Tools->Posting Editor can be easily linked to items in the list editor.


  1. To create a link to one of your Web Page uploads simply select Web page from the “Web Pages”  selection box.



  1. To locate a posting to link to select the author at the “News Posters”  menu. A page of links to  the author’s postings will appear. The link URL is  captured and written or (preferably) pasted into the “Link URL” line.










Paul Eakin

Aug 18, 2006